Entries by larnereyes

Congratulations to Dr. Amy Rowat for receiving a NHI-NCI National Cancer Institute Grant!

Congratulations to Dr. Amy Rowat for receiving a two-year grant from the National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health! The title of her research project is “Identifying Novel Targets for Cancer Using High Throughput Deformability Screening.” The primary goal is to discover novel therapeutic strategies for ovarian cancer by identifying mediators and regulators of cellular mechanics using a novel screening platform. Findings should lead to new opportunities to control cancer and improve patient outcomes.

Lillian Jackson, a graduate trainee from the Alward lab, discovered male and female cichlids perform both the same and sex-typical behaviors and the neural basis of these behaviors are different for each sex. 

Lillian Jackson, a graduate trainee from the Alward lab, discovered male and female cichlids perform both the same and sex-typical behaviors and the neural basis of these behaviors are different for each sex. In one brain area implicated in aggression, the ventromedial hypothalamus (see image), males but not females showed elevated neural activity during aggression.

Dr. Amy Rowat named as one of the 2024 Allen Distinguished Investigator

Dr. Amy Rowat was recently named one of this year’s Allen Institute Allen Distinguished Investigator. The Allen Distinguished Investigator program supports early-stage research with the potential to reinvent entire fields. Dr. Rowat’s cohort project for this grant is, “Mechanobiology tools for dissecting drivers of membrane mechanics, form, and function.”

UCLA’s Future of Food Fellows program is featured in the UCLA Newsroom

Professor Amy Rowat, recently appointed as the inaugural faculty director of the UCLA Rothman Family Institute for Food Studies, oversees the Future of Food Fellows Program. This is a new fellowship program that seeks to help graduate students become future leaders in the emerging field of cellular agriculture

Dr. Giovanni Quinones-Valdez, postdoc in the Xiao lab, is awarded the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2024 Trainee Research Excellence Award

Dr. Giovanni Quinones-Valdez, postdoc in the Xiao lab, was awarded the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2024 Trainee Research Excellence Award. The award was announced at the ASHG annual meeting last week.

Only six trainees (three predoctoral, three postdoctoral) were selected for the award, among over 800 applicants, which is a significant professional accomplishment.

Dr. Stephanie Leal has been named a Fellow to the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM) at UC Irvine

Dr. Stephanie Leal has been named a Fellow to the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM) at UC Irvine, a multidisciplinary team of scholars spanning the globe. This honor is given to faculty members who were nominated by a current fellow and who received a majority vote during the voting process. The CNLM Fellows represent one of the world’s top “think tanks” in neuroscience. With an average of $20 million each year in federal funding to support high impact research programs, as well as over 10,000 citations per Fellow, they are revolutionizing our understanding of the brain and its disorders, creating innovative neurotechnologies, and improving brain health on a global scale. See a list of current fellows here: https://cnlm.uci.edu/about/fellows/