Kacie Deters, Valerie Tornini, and Stephanie White were awarded k seed grants from the UCLA-CDU Dana Center for Neuroscience and Society

Kacie Deters, Valerie Tornini, and Stephanie White were awarded $50k seed grants from the UCLA-CDU Dana Center for Neuroscience and Society

Lillian Jackson, a graduate trainee from the Alward lab, discovered male and female cichlids perform both the same and sex-typical behaviors and the neural basis of these behaviors are different for each sex. 

Lillian Jackson, a graduate trainee from the Alward lab, discovered male and female cichlids perform both the same and sex-typical behaviors and the neural basis of these behaviors are different for each sex. 

Dr. Amy Rowat named as one of the 2024 Allen Distinguished Investigator

Dr. Amy Rowat named as one of the 2024 Allen Distinguished Investigator

Professors Xiao, Yang, and Villanueva recently publish new article in Cell Reports

Professors Xiao, Yang, and Villanueva recently publish new article in Cell Reports

UCLA’s Future of Food Fellows program is featured in the UCLA Newsroom

UCLA’s Future of Food Fellows program is featured in the UCLA Newsroom

Drs. Alward and Dussene’s publishes an article in the Journal of Neuroendocrinology, in which they also were chosen for the issue’s cover

Drs. Alward and Dussene’s publishes an article in the Journal of Neuroendocrinology, in which they also were chosen for the issue’s cover

Dr. Giovanni Quinones-Valdez, postdoc in the Xiao lab, is awarded the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2024 Trainee Research Excellence Award

Dr. Giovanni Quinones-Valdez, postdoc in the Xiao lab, is awarded the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2024 Trainee Research Excellence Award

Dr. Stephanie Leal has been named a Fellow to the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM) at UC Irvine

Dr. Stephanie Leal has been named a Fellow to the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM) at UC Irvine

Professor David Walker’s recent publication on New Atlas, “Tweak to common cell protein gene extends healthy lifespan by 30%”

Professor David Walker’s recent publication on New Atlas, “Tweak to common cell protein gene extends healthy lifespan by 30%”