Professor Alan Garfinkel Awarded the Newton Abraham Visiting Professorship at Oxford for 2019-2020
/in News /by andrewtranThe Newton Abraham Visiting Professorship in association with Lincoln College
The Newton Abraham Visiting Professorship is an exciting opportunity for a highly distinguished
researcher working in the medical, biological or chemical sciences or a related interdisciplinary
area to spend up to 12 months in Oxford. In addition to following a programme of collaborative
research, the Professor’s role involves stimulating interest in and research within her or his field,
and engagement with the wider research community at Oxford and beyond, including delivery of
the prestigious Newton Abraham Lecture. The Professor receives a salary of £65,967 per
annum (at current rates) plus personal travel expenses, and will be provided with family
accommodation, free of rent and local taxes. The Visiting Professor will be a Professorial Fellow
of Lincoln College, Oxford.
A Brief History of the Professorship
The noted biochemist Sir Edward Penley Abraham worked in
the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology at Oxford, where, with Ernest Chain and Howard Florey, he investigated the therapeutic potential of penicillin and played an important role in purifying it and decoding its chemical structure. E.P. Abraham subsequently worked with Guy Newton in the
discovery of the antibiotic cephalosporin. The patent income from the antibiotic enabled the establishment of several charitable trusts for the support of biomedical research,including the E.P. Abraham Research Fund. The Newton Abraham Visiting Professorship was established in 1980, with a donation from the E.P. Abraham Research Fund.
Popular Mechanics Magazine Honors Professor Xia Yang and Fernando Gomez-Pinilla with 2016 Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award
/in News /by andrewtranPopular Mechanics magazine honors Professors Xia Yang and Fernando Gomez-Pinilla for their NIH-funded EBioMedicine research with a 2016 Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award, which recognizes “the research, innovators, and scientists who’ve made the world a little better this year”.
Professor Tama Hasson receives 2016 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Staff Award
/in News /by andrewtranStaff Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award Recipient:
Tama Hasson, the Academic Director of the Program for Excellence in Education and Research in the Sciences (PEERS), is this year’s Staff DEI Award recipient. She has personally worked with and mentored more than 1000 students through a variety of programs at UCLA, all of which emphasize the success of students from underserved backgrounds. Dr. Hasson also played a leading role in the development of the curriculum that prepares these students to succeed in majors where they often are not successful. Since arriving at UCLA she has obtained at least 10 grants to support underserved and minority students to achieve educational and research excellence.
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