Anthony Friscia
Associate Teaching Professor
Director of the UCLA Cluster Program

Office: 329 Hershey Hall
Phone: (310) 206-6011
Born and raised in Chicago, I attended Washington University in St. Louis, where I majored in Anthropology and Physics. After going on my first paleontological dig the summer (in Utah) after graduation, I attended Kent State University and received an M.A. in Anthropology. While there I got to do field work in Pakistan looking for fossil whales. I came to UCLA in 1998 as a Ph.D. student in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology under Dr. Blaire Van Valkenburgh, and received my degree in 2005. While a graduate student, I began teaching the summer anatomy dissection course for IBP and TAing in the UCLA Cluster Program. After graduation I spent a couple of years as a “freeway” professor, before carving out a position at UCLA where I teach most of the undergraduate human anatomy courses for IBP and in the Cluster Program. I am currently also the Director of the UCLA Cluster Program, and work with our faculty, TAs, and campus partners to create this valuable experience for incoming UCLA freshmen.
Research Interests
My research program has focused on the evolution of early Tertiary mammals and their diversification into modern families, using extensive anatomical and functional knowledge as a basis for comparison. Specifically I have worked on mammalian carnivores, both extinct and extant. As a comparative base I have built a large collection of pictures and skull/dentition measurements of living small carnivorans, including members of the Procyonidae (raccoons and their relatives), Mustelidae, (weasels, badgers, otters, and their relatives), Mephitidae (skunks), Herpestidae (mongooses), and Viverridae (civets and their relatives). I use this database to study the dietary specializations of these groups and the morphological correlates of diet. These are a diverse group of animals, whose diets run the gamut from hypercarnivores, specializing only in meat (such as the weasels), to almost dedicated frugivores (such as some members of the raccoon family). The goal is to represent the entire ecological range of these poorly studied taxa. I have used the database of living carnivores as a basis for studying the fossil record. Early mammalian carnivores (both members of the modern order Carnivora, as well as the extinct order Creodonta) are similar in body size to the modern small taxa. By understanding the morphological correlates of ecology in living taxa I can then extrapolate to investigate the lifestyles of the fossil taxa. The first thing that drew me to research was paleontological fieldwork. I plan to continue this as part of my further research and involve students in the process. I have a partnership with researchers from Midwestern University, the San Diego Museum of Natural History and Lamar University to collect and teach in the Uinta Basin in Utah. This research includes expanding our collecting area, obtaining better stratigraphic control on our localities, and examining change in the paleoecology of the Basin across time. This will also incorporate a large field school component which would involve students in both collecting and subsequent research on the uncovered specimens. In addition to field work here in the US, I have research collaborations with various colleagues doing research in Sub-Saharan Africa. My research there focuses on a key time period in the history of African animals, right at the transition from archaic groups to taxa we would recognize today. Part of this turnover was the appearance of the first true carnivorans in Africa around 20 million years ago. We have collected specimens of the very first of these taxa to reach Africa, and the question of why these particular species were the first to enter Africa, and how they fit into the endemic carnivore community, is rich in interesting research directions. I also have research interests in looking at broad evolutionary trends across carnivorous mammals, functional anatomy of mammals and birds, the taphonomy of the La Brea tar seeps, and primate paleontology.
B.A., Anthropology/Physics, Washington State University in St. Louis 1994
M.A., Anthropology, Kent State University 1998
Ph.D., Biology, University of California, Los Angeles 2005
Selected Publications
Gunnell, G.F., D.M. Boyer, A.R. Friscia, S. Heritage, F.K. Manthi, E.R. Miller, H.M. Sallam, N.B. Simmons, N.J. Stevens, E.R. Seiffert, “Fossil lemurs from Egypt and Kenya reveal an African origin for Madagascar’s aye-aye”, Nature Communications, 9 : 3193- (2018) .
Friscia, A.R, “The Origin of Higher Taxa: Palaeobiological, Developmental, and Ecological Perspectives”, Quarterly Review of Biology, 92 : 189- (2017) .
Brown, C., E. Curd, A. Friscia., “An Actualistic Experiment to Determine Skeletonization and Disarticulation in the La Brea Tar Seeps”, Palaios, 32 : 119-124 (2017) .
Murphey, P.C., Townsend, K.E.B., Friscia, A.R., Westgate, J., Evanoff, E., Gunnell, G.F., “Paleontology and stratigraphy of middle Eocene rock units in the southern Green River and Uinta Basins, Wyoming and Utah”, Geology of the Intermountain West, 3 : 1-53 (2017) .
A. Friscia and R. Dunn., “Uintan creodonts from the Uinta Basin, with a description of the post-cranial skeleton of Oxyaenodon”, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, (2016) .
Bodony, D., L. Day, A. Friscia, L. Fusani, A. Kharon, G. Swenson, M. Wikelski, B. Schlinger., ” Determination of the Wingsnap Sonation Mechanism of the Golden-Collared Manakin (Manacus vitellinus)”, Journal of Experimental Biology, 219 : 1524-1534 (2016) .
A.R. Friscia, G.D. Sanin, W.R. Lindsay, L.B. Day, B.A. Schlinger, J. Tan, M.J. Fuxjager, “Adaptive evolution of a derived radius morphology in manakins (Aves, Pipridae) to support acrobatic display behavior”, Journal of Morphology, 277 : 766-775 (2016) .
A. Friscia, “Ecological Trends and Replacement in the Carnivorous Mammals of Africa across the Paleogene/Neogene Boundary”, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, (2015) .
A. Friscia and C. Brown, “An actualistic experiment to examine skeletonization and disarticulation in the La Brea tar seeps”, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, (2014) .
G. Slater and A. Friscia., “Where should we expect to find early bursts of trait evolution? A case study using Carnivora”, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, (2013) .
612 Charles E. Young Drive East
Box 957246
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7246
(t) (310) 825-4373
(f) (310) 206-9184