
Congratulations to Dr. Amy Rowat for receiving a NHI-NCI National Cancer Institute Grant!

Congratulations to Dr. Amy Rowat for receiving a NHI-NCI National Cancer Institute Grant!

Congratulations to Dr. Amy Rowat for receiving a two-year grant from the National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health! The title of her research project is "Identifying Novel Targets for Cancer Using High Throughput Deformability Screening." The primary goal is to discover novel therapeutic strategies for ovarian cancer by identifying mediators and regulators of cellular mechanics using a novel screening platform. Findings should lead to new opportunities to control cancer and improve patient outcomes.
Kacie Deters, Valerie Tornini, and Stephanie White were awarded k seed grants from the UCLA-CDU Dana Center for Neuroscience and Society

Kacie Deters, Valerie Tornini, and Stephanie White were awarded $50k seed grants from the UCLA-CDU Dana Center for Neuroscience and Society

Kacie Deters, Valerie Tornini, and Stephanie White were awarded $50k seed grants from the UCLA-CDU Dana Center for Neuroscience and Society
Lillian Jackson, a graduate trainee from the Alward lab, discovered male and female cichlids perform both the same and sex-typical behaviors and the neural basis of these behaviors are different for each sex. 

Lillian Jackson, a graduate trainee from the Alward lab, discovered male and female cichlids perform both the same and sex-typical behaviors and the neural basis of these behaviors are different for each sex. 

Lillian Jackson, a graduate trainee from the Alward lab, discovered male and female cichlids perform both the same and sex-typical behaviors and the neural basis of these behaviors are different for each sex. In one brain area implicated in aggression, the ventromedial hypothalamus (see image), males but not females showed elevated neural activity during aggression.
Dr. Amy Rowat named as one of the 2024 Allen Distinguished Investigator

Dr. Amy Rowat named as one of the 2024 Allen Distinguished Investigator

Dr. Amy Rowat was recently named one of this year’s Allen Institute Allen Distinguished Investigator. The Allen Distinguished Investigator program supports early-stage research with the potential to reinvent entire fields. Dr. Rowat’s cohort project for this grant is, “Mechanobiology tools for dissecting drivers of membrane mechanics, form, and function.”

Educational Programs

The department is proud of its long history in training the next generation of thinkers and leaders in science and medicine. The department offers an Undergraduate Program (B.S. in Physiological Science) as well as a two-year, research-oriented Master’s Program (M.S. in Physiological Science). We are a co-founder and home to the Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Physiology (MCIP) Interdepartmental Ph.D. Program, which is one of 11 Ph.D.-granting programs in the Graduate Programs in Biosciences (GPB) at UCLA. The department is also highly engaged with the Undergraduate Neuroscience Interdepartmental Program (UNSIDP). Specifically, IBP provides administrative expertise and support for UNSIDP’s leadership; staff; instruction; curriculum; courses; teaching assistants; and financial support for selected activities.


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