Saturday, June 13, 2025
in the Court of Sciences
Ceremony & Reception
8:00 AM – Light refreshments
8:30 AM – Student line-up at designated areas
9:00 AM – Ceremony begins
Who is eligible to participate?
If you graduated in Fall 2024, or Winter 2025, or if you are a candidate
for a degree in Spring or Summer 2025.
Announcements/Caps & Gowns
All ordering is done online for your convenience at the Graduation Etc.
website. Graduation Etc. is located in Ackerman Union A-Level, (310) 825-2587.
How do I let IBP know that I am graduating?
You must submit the “Declaration of Commencement” form to the Graduate
Student Services Office (123 Hershey Hall) by Friday, May 2, 2025.
Do guests need tickets to attend?
Tickets ARE REQUIRED for this event. IBP offers four (4) free tickets
through MyUCLA. Additional tickets for $20 each are available for purchase
through MyUCLA. Seating is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Guests
are encouraged to arrive early to get the seating of their choice.
The Court of Sciences is easily accessible from Lots 2 and 9. The parking fee
per vehicle is $16. Pre-paid parking e-permits are available through Parking Services.
Diplomas will be available approximately 3 months after graduation.
Students will be notified by the Registrar’s Office about diploma pick-up.
Diploma Hotline (310) 825-8883.
For additional information regarding commencement, please visit the
campus website at:
612 Charles E. Young Drive East
Box 957246
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7246
(t) (310) 825-4373
(f) (310) 206-9184