You are here: Home1 / News Congratulations to Dr. Amy Rowat for receiving a NHI-NCI National Cancer Institute Grant!
March 6, 2025/by larnereyesKacie Deters, Valerie Tornini, and Stephanie White were awarded $50k seed grants from the UCLA-CDU Dana Center for Neuroscience and Society
January 30, 2025/by larnereyesLillian Jackson, a graduate trainee from the Alward lab, discovered male and female cichlids perform both the same and sex-typical behaviors and the neural basis of these behaviors are different for each sex.
January 15, 2025/by larnereyesDr. Amy Rowat named as one of the 2024 Allen Distinguished Investigator
December 4, 2024/by larnereyesProfessors Xiao, Yang, and Villanueva recently publish new article in Cell Reports
December 3, 2024/by larnereyesUCLA’s Future of Food Fellows program is featured in the UCLA Newsroom
November 19, 2024/by larnereyesDrs. Alward and Dussene’s publishes an article in the Journal of Neuroendocrinology, in which they also were chosen for the issue’s cover
November 19, 2024/by larnereyesDr. Giovanni Quinones-Valdez, postdoc in the Xiao lab, is awarded the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2024 Trainee Research Excellence Award
November 14, 2024/by larnereyesDr. Stephanie Leal has been named a Fellow to the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM) at UC Irvine
November 13, 2024/by larnereyesProfessor David Walker’s recent publication on New Atlas, “Tweak to common cell protein gene extends healthy lifespan by 30%”
November 13, 2024/by larnereyesDr. Stephanie Leal and Leal Lab members’ Review is published in a special issue of Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
November 1, 2024/by sheena28Dr. David Walker’s recent publication is featured in the UCLA Newsroom
November 1, 2024/by sheena28
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